Can my business carry out consultancy work in France?

· Viewed 1596 times

I am set up as an auto-entrepreneur in France as a Formateur Independemt en langues, and I will be starting soon to find clients to teach English as a foreign language. My question is whether already being registered in this way, can I also carry out consultancy work from home. I am a retired consulting engineer of international project management and project direction.

  1. Do I need to register a business again in France, or register differently?
  2. Do I need to write to institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) (INSEE) or unions de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales (URSSAF) to apply, or to let them know?
  3. Or does the consultancy work fall under the same setup as my current business registration in France?
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