Can my French business exceed its turnover limit?

· Viewed 1548 times

I’m approaching the 32,600 euros auto-entrepreneur business turnover limit here in France for this year and have been researching the options. It looks like the normal option is to go for the entreprise individuelle under reel simplifie. However, this year is exceptional for me and I expect next year to be under the 32,600 euros. Also, my expenses are minimal, between 5% and 15% of turnover, so social charges of 46% of profit would mean a massive decrease in income.

  1. A friend has told me that under the reel simplifie method, you can elect to have fixed percentage of 34% of chiffres d’affaire as expenses, thus revenue 66% of chiffres d’affaires.
  2. As much of my business is with UK customers could I setup a UK Limited company and bill my UK customers through the UK company? Would this be a satisfactory (and legal) way to stay within the auto-entrepreneur turnover limit?
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