Can my husband and I function separately with two different businesses?

· Viewed 1497 times

I am setting up my gites business probably under the auto-entrepreneur system. My husband is currently working in the UK and has a flat there and was intending to be taxed there as a UK resident. He only comes to France at weekends.

However when we visited a local accountant, she told us of a tax advantageous scheme at present available to encourage new businesses to the area. This scheme is only available until the end of the year and it encouraged my husband and I to wonder whether or not it would be advantageous to us for my husbands business to be registered under this scheme.

I thought about it for the gites business but am now inclined to think that the auto-entrepreneur would be better for me. My question is that if my husband decides to go with the new business scheme which is a profit/loss scheme, would our incomes get amalgamated for the purposes of taxes and social charges and what would this mean for us?

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