Can revenu de solidarité active (RSA) be reduced?

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Since being made redundant (motif economique) from my job in France I now claim revenu de solidarité active (RSA) but opened a business on 1 January 2015 as an auto entrepreneur naming my wife as conjoint collaborateur. The business is struggling so I was able to secure a very part time job (as and when needed) which I have been given a contract paying tax insurance pension etc. 

In November 2015 were called to attend a meeting with RSA where we were told we were not earning enough. They also informed me that my wife cannot be a conjoint collaborateur on the auto-entrepreneur scheme and therefore she was classed as a non-person in France. This is despite the fact that my wife has been invaluable in dealing with administration and prospection etc. They advised that now I am working, albeit it very part time, the business should be closed down or it should be transferred into my wife’s name.

Since this meeting we have been sent a letter ordering me to register with pole emploi and actively seek work. They also have reduced our RSA income by 25% for two months backdated to 1 November and a threatened a further reduction of 50% which will be enforced in January 2016 if I do not comply with their instructions. They have given no reason as to why they have reduced our RSA amount despite several requests by us to explain.

Initial specific concerns include:

  1. Are they correct in stating my wife cannot be a conjoint collaborateur on the auto-entrepreneur scheme and what the consequences are if we put the business in my wife’s sole name or close it down?
  2. Whether we/she can get aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) if we keep the business next year?
  3. Will we also qualify for couverture maladie universelle (CMU) complimentaire?
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