Can you help us with the auto-entrepreneur registration form?

· Viewed 1547 times

We have watched your video many times and followed your instructions for filling in the on line form, clicked on declaration de debute d’activite and instead of the form shown on your video coming up - a shorter form shows on the screen saying Tous les emplacements de sai sie encadres en rouge doivent obligatoirement then asking Decrivez votre activite, Indiquez la nature de votre activite and Veuillez saisir la nature de l’activite.

We have filled these in as best we can with the information you gave us re Hommes de toutes mains, with the NAF code etc., but we then seem to get directed to a completely different web site. We are at a loss as to what to do next. We are by no means experts on the computer, and our French isn’t great - which doesn’t help matters. Is it possible for you to work out from this description, what we are doing wrong, or has the form changed?

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