Can you set up one micro enterprise covering both gite and chambres d’hotes businesses?

· Viewed 1219 times

We have just signed up to your service as we are on the point of setting up a business.  We aim to run this in my wife’s name (Alison).  The aims for Alison’s business are to run a gite at our property in France during the summer and other school holidays but maybe also to offer chambres d’hotes at other times of the year.  It is also conceivable that she may want to run courses or other paid activities but this is not essential.  In terms of the services that Alison will offer, they will be typical of those for a gite or chambres d’hotes however they can be tailored if it makes a difference to costs or allowances.

The building that she would use for her business is physically detached from our main house but it is all part of the same property.  It will make a large one-bedroom gite.  The business start date could be any time from now and since Alison currently has no current health cover it is important to start as soon as possible.  However, it will take us a month or two to complete the renovation work on the building to be used, if this affects things.

We aim to make from this business a modest amount of money, perhaps 3000 - 5000 euros per year to supplement our occupational pensions, UK and Spanish property rental income and profit from my enterprise which would all add up to around 31000 euros per year (excluding Alison’s business profit).

One benefit that is key for Alison is to gain her own social security number leading to health cover and a carte vitale.  I currently have a health top-up policy and we expect to include Alison as soon as possible.

So the question is, is it possible and sensible to set up a microenterprise that covers both a gite and chambres d’hote and if so, can you tell us how to complete the registration form.  We would also like a list of other activities that she must do to complete the set up of the business and to know how to calculate the social charges and tax for the business.

For information, I set up my own micro enterprise in my own name for Formation en Mathematique in February this year. 

We are below the state retirement age in the UK with Alison being 59 and me, 60 years of age.

Neither of us have registered with the Pole Emploi and we do not receive RSA.

We have lived permanently in France for almost exactly one year and can provide proof of this.  Prior to this we have lived in the UK for the whole of our lives and were both born there making us UK nationals.  Our children are independent (ages 22, 25) and live in the UK.

Thanks for your help and please let me know if there is any further information that would be helpful.


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