Carte vitale from RSI or CPAM?
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When I first arrived in France in 2008, I took a job as child carer / nanny, affiliated with PAJEmploi, and my carte vitale was issued through the CPAM. The family I was working for left France to live in US for a year, so in April of this year, I registered as auto-entrepreneur in Informatique, and my carte vitale was transferred to the control of RSI and I chose Mutuelle Bleue at the time of registration.
So, now my family will return to France in December 2014, and I will again work for them during the day. Will it be possible for me to keep the auto-entrepreneur job, as well as nanny job via PAJE? If yes for both jobs, do you know what happens to my carte vitale - do you think it will revert to CPAM?