Carte Vitale via CPAM now RAM?

· Viewed 1899 times

We are retired to France since May 2015. I have my Carte Vitale affection de longue durée (ALD) from caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM) since I am diabetic. I wanted to supplement our income by offering online counseling business and you helped me become a micro-entrepreneur profession liberale in August 2016.

However, in November I received a letter from CPAM saying I was no longer covered by them, discovered I was now covered by régime social des Indépendants (RAM) and logged in to their website. I updated my Carte Vitale at the local pharmacy. RAM next asked me to sign a consent form so they could access my records.

The lady who sorts out my tax then suggested I write to RAM and CPAM to say I wanted to stay with CPAM under the original S1 forms since the the counselling was just to supplement my retirement income (indeed to date I have not earned anything). The tax lady said, otherwise I would have to pay social contributions on our UK pensions as well.

  1. Is it possible for me to remain under CPAM whilst perhaps earning a little from my registered business in France?
  2. Otherwise is it going to be necessary to close the business that has not really started?
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