CDI and auto-entrepreneur at the same time?
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I’m employed full time on a contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI). I’ve started to do some freelance journalism on the side and want to set up as an auto-entrepreneur business to handle this. I’m not sure what the implications of having both statuses is.
- I know with the auto-entrepreneur you pay social charges monthly or trimesterly based on turnover. What about Impots? Would the auto-entrepreneur turnover be added to my salary for calculation of income tax?
- Can paid invoices be declared retrospectively, i.e. for jobs I did before setting up as an auto-entrepreneur?
- I’ve read about the 2015 changes to the auto-entrepreneur system. Could you please explain the pension aspect? Do I need to contribute since I have a CDI?
- Similarly for the health insurance aspect? Since I have a CDI, do I need to adhere?