Cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) 2014?
· Viewed 1618 times
I recently received a letter telling me that as I declared over 41,000 euros in 2014 I had to register to pay cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) and that I was in contravention and would be fined if I did not comply. There was no amount mentioned in the correspondence. I have looked on the Impots site and I have a bill for 2015 of 1,675 euros but 2014 shows up in the Avis section with the amount empty.
- Could it be that my contravention was that I had not registered and that there was no balance pay? My auto-entrepreneur is for a gite business that opened in in France in February 2012.
- Or, have they added it yo this year’s bill?
Or is it just an error?