CFE and working from home

· Viewed 689 times

I received a request for Declaration CFE from my local tax office which was supposed to have been sent to me last year but I never received it. I have managed to download a pdf of what may be the form from a website and filled it in as far as I can. One item I am not sure of is what they want me to enter in the box at the top called Commune du lieu d’imposition. Is this my local tax office address?

I have tried searching for answers on by Espace Impots professional page but it keeps telling me to wait for maintenance to complete so I cannot reach the page Consulter: avis CFE.

Finally is there anywhere on Espace Impots professional I can send the pdf to or should I email it back to my local tax office.

In the menu for Declarer they only have sections for: TVA: Impot sur les societes:  Taxe sur les Salaires:  CVAE:  Revenus de capitaux mobiliers:  Resultat:  Economie collaborative:  Tests economie collaborative:  Dispositif DAC6
but nothing for CFE?

Thank you again if you can help me with this query.

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