CFE form - Question about “cadre C”

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Another question about filling in the CFE - Cotisation foncière des entreprises 2018 form: I set up as a micro-entreprise in 2017. I work from home. Part A2 of the form states Si vous ne disposez d’aucun autre local, cochez la case - my understanding is that this means aucun autre local que l’habitation où vous exercez votre activité and that I therefore need to tick the box.

Then under part C Biens du nouvel établissement passibles d’une taxe foncière, I am seeing conflicting information when I look online so wanted to check this with you: there is a line of text just above this part C/cadre C that says Vous êtes dispensé de remplir ce cadre si vous avez coché la case A2 de la page 1 yet online everything I find says that everyone must fill in part C and that it is very important to fill it in precisely, in detail.

Please could you clarify this for me? As I work from home and do not have an office anywhere outside of my home, do I tick the box in part A2? And if so, does this mean that I do not need to fill in anything at all in part C? This is my understanding - but all information I find online suggests otherwise.

Thank you, Valérie!

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