Chambre de Metiers inscription a must?

· Viewed 1489 times

Hello Valérie, my boyfriend is an AE, artisan (photo/video production) since december 2009, but has never signed up with the Chambre de Métiers. I now read somewhere that a subscrition with the CdM is compulsery for all artisans since April 2010. Is this also the case when you started your AE before April 2010. We were told is isn’t but I now strongly doubt this. Should he sign up, eventhough it’s oficially much to late? Is there any change of getting fined for not signing up earlier?

He also does translation work as a secondairy activity but last year this was a bigger part of his income than his main activity. Is this a problem? Should he consider changing his main activity? In that case, he would go from being an artisan the being a Prof. Lib. How does such a change work?

Many thanks and best regards,

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