Change health cover from CPAM to RAM?

· Viewed 1840 times

We arrived in France this year and registered for healthcover with CPAM. We have bought into a franchise - Les Bons Voisins, and subsequently registered my husband as an Auto-entrepreneur, with myself as conjoint collaborateur. We have taken out a Mutuelle top up cover, as we now have our permanent social security number from CPAM.

The agent with whom we have our mutuelle, deals with all franchisees in our network, so knows our business well. She has advised that we urgently transfer both of our healthcover from CPAM to RAM, as other than being registered incorrectly for healthcare now, we are also currently paying a higher premium than necessary. The premium when we are moved to RAM will reduce by 20,00€ per month.

We would therefore like to start this process immediately, but do not have the confidence to tackle this - although my French is good, I would rather a French national who understand the systems handle on our behalf. Is this something you could do for us? Have I used the correct media, i.e. the forum for this question?

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