How do I change my French business principle activity to secondary?

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I want to change my activities on My secondary, which is 4619B as an agent commercial registered with the Griffe, is my main income and the 5520Z as the chambre d’hôtes, will be secondary as it is very small. Can your tell me how I can change this please, which form I need or where I need to go?

I visited the Impots department to ask if I could annul the chambre d’hotes from auto-entrepreneur and declar through through my annual tax return and showed them how small. They were very nice but advised to annul means that I could no longer run it and could not put it through my tax return on an annual basis.

I then visited the chambres du commerce to request if they could advise which form I could use to change my activities. After going on at length about me not filling out the form, I advised that I had requested that I cancel that and therefore had not completed the forms, until I was sure what I was doing. They told me that I would have to go to the Greffe as they did not deal with agent commercial. Hence, I am requesting your help.

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