Change of address during registration process?

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Using your very helpful video I had little difficulty in making my on-line declaration as an auto-entrepeneur at the end of March as a website designer (debut d’activite 16 April 2010). The registration was made in the Orne prior to moving to a permanent residence in the Mayenne at the end of April. The registration was handled by the URSSAF in Alencon and I received my SIRET number from INSEE on 6th April 2010. My chosen Assurance Maladie RAM offered me a meeting to register but as I explained that as I was shortly moving to another department they agreed that this wasn’t appropriate.

Since moving to the Mayenne on 28th April I made a declaration to notify change of address, for which I received an acknowledgment from URSSAF in Laval on 26th May 2010. They also informed me that they had in turn notified CDI in Mayenne, CMPL in Paris, INSEE in Nantes and CNAVPL in Paris. Since then I have heard nothing. I am wondering therefore if they should have asked me to choose an alternative assurance maladie in this department and also should they have notified RSI in Paris? Should I visit the local URSSAF office to check if everything is being processed correctly?

I should also add that I had a social security number in France prior to 2007. Having notified all relevant agencies I was returning permanently to the UK I’d assumed the number no longer valid and not required on my declaration. Have I made an error in this and if so what should I do to rectify things?

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