Change of status from entreprise individuelle BNC régime réel to micro-entrepreneur

· Viewed 903 times

I am currently under the entreprise individuelle BNC régime réel and would like to switch to micro-entreprenuer as of January 1, 2020. My turnover is well below 30,000 and I do not have a lot of expenses. I think that micro-entrepreneur is much more suited to my activity (and I was poorly advised when I first moved to France and set up my business).

Can you advise me on how to request this change? I believe I need to write (registered) letters to the tax office and URSSAF asking for this change. What should I specify in the letter? What should these letters include/not include? Where exactly at URSSAF and the tax office should these letters be sent? I imagine the Paris (where I live) URSAAF office and my local tax office?

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

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