Change of status and missing carte vitale?

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I owned a business (commerce) in France between 2007 and 2009, when I closed it down to have a baby and go on the full-time Complément de libre choix d’activité (CLCA). I had a carte vitale in my own name with the régime social des indépendants (RSI), on Oréade for the health insurance. I confess to being very vague about how this all works. On closing the business, and after the year’s grace period had passed, I became an ayant-droit of my husband who is on the mutuelle générale de l’éducation nationale (MGEN)  for his healthcare, as did my children who were previously on my card. The children are now on my husband’s card and everything is fine for them. I posted my carte vitale back to Oréade as requested by them in a letter.

However, the MGEN then told me to actualise my carte vitale so that my change of cover would appear on it, and of course I no longer have the card. Although I wrote to Oréade to tell them this, I didn’t get any reply. I have an attestation from the MGEN which proves I am covered by them. However, now I am planning to create a new business (libérale) on the 1st June. So what do you advise that I should do - continue to chase Oréade to get my original card back, or assume that that card has been destroyed, and that when I register as an auto-entrepreneur I will be issued a new one by the RSI?

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