Change of the place where activite profesionelle is carried out

· Viewed 1274 times

I’m an auto entrepreneur. I used to have a Virtual Office but recently (to reduce cost) ‘moved’ my activities to my (rented) flat.
I work from home (computer-based) mainly, but my secondary activity is carried out ‘chez client’.

I completed the CFE form letting them know about the change, and now have received a letter from Les Impots with the form 751-SD to fill out, following the change.

  1. There is no ‘chez client’ option. I only use a desk and a filing cabinet in one of the rooms. Do I need to fill the whole sections: ‘Detail (en m2) de l’affectation de la superficie a usage’/ a usage professionel’? Or do I just put 2m2 - partie d’une chambre and cross off everything else?
  2. Do I tick the ‘Vous exerces votre activite a votre domicile and vous n’avez pas d’autre local a votre disposition’?
  3. Do I have to attach ‘le bail’ and give them the address of my landlord?

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