Change primary business activity and add english teaching?

· Viewed 1659 times

We are Pattes and Peintures an Auto Enterprise business in France set up in 2013. I am the chef d’enterprise and my wife conjoint collaborateur. I asked before about changing the principal activity to pet sitting in our home and at others homes. I set up as ectivities de pre presse but the pet sitting has been more successful.

We saw from the reply we need to go to the Chambre de Metier where we registered. I would like to add English teaching to adults (code 85.59a). I think this is a profession liberalle. We are registered with RSI and receive aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) at the moment and are versement libertoire. Is it possible to have an auto-entrepreneur with petsitting as the principal activity and teaching English as additional activity?

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