Changes for Entreprise Individuelle

· Viewed 667 times

I’ve been told that there have been recent changes that impact all micro-entrepreneurs/auto- entrepreneurs ...
In application of law n° 2022-172 of 14 February 2022 in favour of independent professional activity, the decree n° 2022-725 of 28 April 2022 has been published this morning (29/4/22) in the JO imposing, as from 15 May 2022, on ALL micro-entrepreneurs to modify “its invoices, order notes, tariffs and advertising documents as well as all correspondence and all receipts concerning its activity and signed by it or in its name”.

From 15 May 2022, the name used for the exercise of the professional activity incorporating its name or usual name has to be immediately preceded or followed by the words: “entrepreneur individuel” or the initials: “EI”.  Can you comment on this change?  I haven’t seen much mention of it and was surprised by it.  I’d welcome your view and any advice about what a micro-entrepreneur needs to do.


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