Changes from RSA to prime d’activite?

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My husband and I have worked together, under Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) for ten years. For six years we were registered as Conjoint Collaborateur, but got into serious financial trouble with the high cotisation charges. Our business expenses were over 50% of turnover, so we changed our regime to Reel Simplifie - Cotisant Solidaire and I am employed by my husband. He pays me a small salary for the few hours I work per month. This dramatically reduced our social charges.

We were able to claim Revenu de Solidarite (RSA) for a couple of years. In January this year the RSA changed to prime d’activite and all payments stopped. We have just received a letter saying, because the criteria has changed we can no longer receive prime d’activite benefits, because my husband employs me. My questions are:

  1. Is it possible for me to terminate my employment in France with my husband and become a micro-entrepreneur? I would work separately from him, occasionally working together, but invoice the customer separately.
  2. Is it possible to have two different French business regimes with the same address?
  3. Would this be a less expensive option, than the current cotisation charges my husband has to pay for me as a salaire?
  4. Could I apply for RSA separately from my husband, if I was registered as a micro-entrepreneur - if he is still not able to receive prime d’activite benefit?
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