Changes to monthly auto-entrepreneur declaration

· Viewed 1370 times

My husband payed his cotisations to RSI / URSSAF monthly for the last year. This month the form has changed.

My husband runs the gite business, and normally completed 2 sections:

  1. Ventes de marchandises at 13,1%
  2. Formation commercant obligatoire 0,10%

The new form has 5 new boxes and number 2 above has disappeared. Could you tell me as a gite owner which of the following I would need to complete:

  1. Ventes de marchandises 12,8%
  2. Formation prof. Obligatoire 0,10%
  3. Prestations de Services BNC
  4. Taxe CCI vente obligatoire
  5. taxe CCI prestation obligatoire.

The gite business does not offer any other services like meals, it is simply a house rental.

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