Changing activity as an auto-entrepreneur?

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I have two business entities in France - an auto-entrepreneur and a SASU. I am considering closing the SASU as this is far too much stress (I’ll ask my Qs in a SASU thread), but I’m also considering my options with my auto-entrepreneur little business.

I’ve got a auto-entrepreneur teaching English (‘formateur en langues’) and for six months now I’ve been trying to add a side activity (‘ajouter’) ‘edition’. I’ve sent them the proper paperwork 4 times and they still can’t get it right.

The first time, they changed my main activity from ‘formateur en langues’ to ‘edition’, So I then wrote back to them, telling them to change it back to ‘formateur en langues’ and add ‘edition’. So they changed it back to ‘formateur en langues’, no additional activity added. So I sent them another form to add ‘edition’ so they changed my activity from ‘formateur en langues’ to ‘formateur - autre’. Still ‘edition’ not added. So I’ve sent them another form to add ‘edition’ to what I’ve already got. It’s been over 2 months and I’m still waiting for their reply.

In the meantime, I continue earning money from teaching and a little bit from ‘edition’.
- is it illegal to add my income from ‘edition’ to my other income (I’ve paid taxes on the total of my earnings!)

On another note, I’m having a lot of ‘fun’ with RSI - carte vitale still not arrived, 6 months waiting, even though I’ve sent them my Act de naissance with ‘traduction assermente’, copies of passport et al. When I ask them about it, they tell me to send them all over again all those papers. I’m also having great difficulty trying to put my daughter on my health insurance (‘rattacher’). In the nutshell, I’m sick of RSI.

My partner, who has an auto-entrepreneur business chose Harmonie Mutuelle. he is also still waiting for his Carte Vitale, but at least it looks like he can do more things online, e.g. upload all his receipts for medical services online and he had no problem getting our daughter ‘rattachee’ to his insurance.

Now my questions are:

  1. is Harmonie Mutuelle any easier to deal with than RSI? BTW, I’ve lost faith that pres. Macron will achieve any change with anything, and definitely not the RSI - this is too big and too messy to deal with in the foreseeable future.
  2. assuming that I close my SASU business and hence don’t have to be with RSI, would it be possible to switch to another provider, e.g. Harmonie Mutuelle?
  3. does it even make any sense from the point of view of having to deal with less bureaucracy?
  4. And regarding closing / reopening the auto-entrepreneur business:
  5. I’m thinking of closing the EA I have now (knowing I can only have one EA at the time, and that there is a period of time I can’t open another auto-entrepreneur with the same business activity), and open another one - this time for ‘edition’ as the main activity. Would that work, or would the side activity (assuming they finally manage to add it to my main activity) be considered ‘the same’ and I would not be able to do that?
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