Changing from commerçant - EIRL régime réel simplifié to profession libérale régime micro

· Viewed 846 times

Bonjour Valerie,

I’m stopping my activity as agent immobilier with Carte Prof T and am training to be a life and health coach, soon to be certified. I intend to make the change of activity as of 01.01.2020. I currently do monthly TVA declarations and my statut is EIRL regime relle simplifié. I started asking my accountant in September how I could make this change correctly, without being chucked out of the healthcare system and without major bureaucratic battles. She told me to wait until December and that she would take care of it then. I wanted to know the procedure well in advance, and what the best approach would be as to tax regime, but she did not respond to my emails until yesterday, saying that the only solution was to shut down the existing activity and set up a new one. The tax office wasn’t getting back to her on the details, so she still didn’t know exactly how to proceed. As she’s charging me extra for all this I asked her to stop spending time on something that she should be the expert on and charging me for her not knowing the answer.  I’ll have to do it myself with more efficient help. You helped me years ago when I was one of the first auto entrepreneurs in January 2009, so here I am again.

My new APE would be Coach en Developpement Personnel 8690F en profession libérale. My income next year will very likely stay under the Micro ceiling for not charging VAT. The first half year I’ll be working on the marketing and training towards full certification and ideally also already taking on clients. From June I hope to be fully certified and then can work full-time, with clients all over the world via telephone and video calls. I need to get my prof liability insurance in place as soon as possible and I’d need the correct Kbis extract in order to obtain that insurance. Also, in order to be able to get the agent immo insurance people off my back, I need to show them proof of stopping the agent immo activity.

My questions are:

  1. If it’s not too late, what actions should I take now to make things as efficient as possible for next year?
  2. I’ll only be doing the coaching work, no other complications. (ii) Should I indeed do a full radiation from the RCS instead of a modification? If so, do I do that on form P4CM and send it to our CCI/CFE? I see that must be done within 30 days AFTER stopping, i.e. in January.
  3. Could I already register as a micro entreprise with URSSAF as of January 1st as well? Or must I wait for a certain number of months?
  4. Will I get my same SIRET back? Will I lose health cover?

Many thanks in advance for your answers. I looked on the forum and did not find this subject raised yet. Apologies if it already was answered.

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