Changing from CPAM to RAM for medical reimbursements?

· Viewed 1608 times

I phoned URSSAF and asked if my details were passed on to RAM. They couldn’t help me at all on this, but suggested I contact CPAM and check to see if I was still covered. I believe I am still covered, as I recently updated my carte vitale at CPAM, and have received reimbursements from CPAM non-stop since 2007. So I gave up there. Then I phoned RAM and they asked if I was salaried (No) but then I remembered that my first job in France (2008) was salaried, and she said that nothing had been done to indicate a secondary scenario, i.e. no longer salaried. She told me to contact RSI.

I phoned RSI (0821 611 612 for Prof. Liberale) and after repeating the story, they said there was an error in the dossier, as I was not salaried when I became an AE and should have been directed to sign on with RAM at that time. Result! I will received a notification from RSI in about 2 weeks and an invitation from RAM to get on their books as my husband has just done by returning the treating physician form, etc. For the future, if I do become salaried, even if for a short period of time, while staying an auto-entrepreneur, do I stay with RAM or go back to CPAM?

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