Charge TVA when switching from auto-entrepreneur to regime reel simplifie?

· Viewed 1685 times

I have read your blog regarding switching from auto-entrepreneur to regime reel simplifie and it is a great help. I have technically already gone over the threshold. I was below it in my declaration trimestrielle in July but will be over it in my next declaration that I make in October. On the declaration trimestrielle from URSSAF there is an option Chanement de Regime D’imposition - Vous relevez d’un regime reel d’imposition depuis le… I am assuming that when I fill the form in for the 3rd quarter in October I put the date that I technically went over the threshold (I went over some time during July and August) or do I put 1st January 2013 instead?

Will filling in this box in the URSSAF declaration de reccettes suffice or will I still need to visit URSSAF in person as you indicated in your blog? All my clients are from outside France - mainly the UK, with one or two from outside Europe. Do I have to charge them TVA?

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