Checklist for new auto-entrepreneur teaching English and scams?

· Viewed 1814 times

I have successfully registered as an auto-entrepreneur for teaching English to adults in France. As I paid for the fast track it all went smoothly and quickly. I registered by telephone and got my certificat d’inscription (SIRENE) from INSEE within days. I have opened a second bank account for business receipts and payments and today I registered on the site for sending returns on line.

I also got the usual scam demands for payment for registration; one for Registre des Creations (179,40 euros - TVA inc), the other for Repertoire National des enterprises (192 euros). I’m assuming I can safely ignore these, even though both are presented as quasi-invoices with a date limite de paiement?

I received three insurance forms (Agirc/arrco, OCIRP and Organismes de formation, which I understand I need to complete and return even though I will have no paid staff. Is that right? I have started trading and I wondered what happens next - I’m keeping records of income and expenses. I haven’t received a social security number or carte vitale yet. Is there anything else I need to do just now, or is there a handy check-list somewhere for me to refer to?

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