Choosing the type of activity for Auto-entrepreneur

· Viewed 953 times

Hi Valerie,
Sorry if this question was asked before, did a quick search and couldn’t find.
I am preparing to register an Auto Entrepreneur and it seems like the limits are higher for sales activities from Jan 2018:

1) 170 000€ pour l’achat-vente ;
2) 70 000€ pour la prestation de services

My question is, who is the one determining the type of activity? I don’t want to disclose any concrete details yet (can do that via email if you need), but can describe the business as something like selling modern smart temperature sensors with a cloud-based dashboard. From one point of view, the activity is as easy as large-ordering from China (too expensive to have factories in France) and selling to end users in France/EU so it is kind of “achat-vente ” from this perspective. But, in reality, there is much more than that as in addition to hardware there will be monthly subscription plans to access the dashboard etc. - which may fall under “services”. So, shall this business be #1 or #2 ?
The reason I am asking is that in my particular case, 70000EUR may be not really enough. Also, is my understanding right that the income taxes for #1 are lower, is it the case?




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