Claiming TVA back on business expenses
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In old questions like this one: said it’s not possible as auto entrepreneurs “don’t have a TVA number”. I guess this was different back then, as now we do have TVA option for AEs. Since I’m definitely above the TVA threshold (even in my first year, started in January), I’m charging TVA (to the few clients I have without a VAT ID). Most of my business is for companies in the US or EU based business with a VAT ID).
My questions:
- When I buy something for my business, say an expensive new laptop, can I legally use my VAT ID with the seller to get the “hors TVA” price?
- And if I do that, I assume I need to declare it somewhere in my professional impôts account? I read somewhere in the first year of business it’s to be declared in the first months of the following year?
- Can this declaration be reasonably made by myself, or is it so complicated I’ll likely need an accountant?
- I know I can’t claim any expenses as an AE, but I assume there will be some checks by the authorities whether this laptop is a legitimate business expense, right? If anything, what would be the proof required by the authorities for that?
Thank you!