Classification of business activity for gite?
· Viewed 1887 times
I’ve started registration online as auto-entrepreneur and have a couple of questions:
- Re renting my home out as a gite, hébergement and restauration and hébergement touristique didn’t appear as options so I selected immobiliers, herbergement and services aux touristes and exploitation de residence meublée de tourisme. Can you confirm these are the right ones? The other closest alternative was exploitation d’un gite rural but I think you need to be registered with Gites de France for that.
- I put in the social security number I received under current S1 cover but the following message appeared:
Attention: l’année et le mois de naissance sont incoherents avec le numéro de securité sociale.
So I ticked ce numéro ne m’a jamais été attribute instead. I wonder though if this causes a problem later in the form (as did adding the unrecognised number) when I try to add my partner as ayant droit at declarer un bénéficiaire, the page continuously appears blank. Can I add him at a later stage? Perhaps I have to wait for a new number.