Close a French SARL to open up a UK company with a French subsidiary?

· Viewed 2044 times

I am in process of closing my French company - and opening up a UK company. My UK business would operate worldwide (via web based advertising platform) receiving income to UK for marketing activities. My SARL was technically an immobiliere which included as part of job function the cleaning and maintenance of properties.

I want to move the marketing side of the business to UK and still have a cleaning/maintenance business with premises in France. My logic is to close French business, open UK limited business then under the UK business have a branch in France. I would completely close my French business and staff and premises then open up a new company with new premises in France. This business would have no employees, only auto-entrepreneur who would also have other independent clients of there own.

Does this seem logical way of restructuring (due to my company now having a worldwide market) but still needing the physical maintenance company on ground in France. Would the France based branch business (maintenance) invoice the UK company?

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