Closed autopreneur and carte vitale

Red Knight
· Viewed 818 times

I know parts of this question have been covered before but this is more specific. My wife closed her auto-entrepreneur business at the end of August 2021 (thank you Valerie for your help). The notice de radiation from URSSAF said that her health cover would continue with the CPAM local to our residence. I rang the English speaking CPAM line and was assured that we did not need to do anything and everything would continue as before.

However, she has been officially retired and drawing a British State Pension since 2010. That was OK while she was paying cotisations as an auto-entrepreneur….until now. What is her status from now on regarding a Carte Vitale? Will she need to get an S1 and re-apply to the CPAM now in spite of the apparent advice (see above) to the contrary?

Judging from a phone call from the CPAM today, they think she should. Are they right? I thought that one had 12 months grace in any case…is that true in this case? Very worried as she has a big operation scheduled for Feb 25th and, from my own experience, they can cancel your card at a moment’s notice if they see fit.

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