Closing advice auto-entrepreneur (continued)

· Viewed 795 times

I have been reading your message exchanges in the forum on requirements for closing the business as auto-entrepreneur.
My question is related to the timeline perspective.

Given the bigger picture of auto-entrepreneur, what could be a key consideration when to close a business (if I’d chose to).
For example, in another EU-country one has to deliver a closing P&L in addition to yearly closure. If the timing is chosen wisely one can combine the two (if business closure and year-end closure both fall on the 31.12., for example) and save a considerable fee for tax advisor services. I understand the situation of an auto-entrepreneur is simpler in this sense but maybe there still is something to hold in the back of the mind in planning of closing a business (do it by year-end, do it by end of quarter, do it with this much advance notice because in period XYZ everything take longer with URSSAF, do it with consideration xyz in mind). If there is nothing that comes to your mind, I’m happy to drop this question.

Many thanks in advance!

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