Closing down Auto-Entrepreneur - turnover declarations and filing of taxes?
I have been an auto-entrepreneur since October 2011 as I teach English. However, I will be moving to Hong Kong in June as I have accepted a position with an NGO there. I would like to close down my auto-entrepreneur status and take care of any administrative matters before I leave at the end of May.
I have read on your site that I can close down my auto-entrepreneur status online. I am hoping to complete all of my activities and to be paid by the end of May. If I close down my business on May 31st online, can I still log onto the net-entreprises site to make my final turnover declaration to pay my social taxes? I do not have an address yet in Hong Kong as I need to go find an apartment when I get there. Since I won’t have a forwarding address, I am afraid URSSAF/RSI will not be able to get in touch with me.
In addition, I have received my attestation fiscale and am waiting to file my taxes for 2011 as I have not received my tax forms yet, but am wondering how I will file next year for 2012? Are there any other notices or payments that I need to make with respect to my auto-entrepreneur status? Do I need to provide notice with respect to my carte vitale?