CMU complementaire

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Last year my husband and I were registered with CMU. I am now an auto-entrepreneur and took my CMU complementaire form to RSI with myself being the primary applicant and my husband secondary. My CV was updated and I am covered, but I was told by a friend I must also send the form to CMU with my husband primary applicant and myself secondary for cover for him, which I did and I received this today:

Je vous retourne votre demande de droit a la CMU complementaire car votre conjointe a des droits SEcurite Social a la RAM. Vous etes affilie a la CPAM de la Haute Vienne en CMU base. Or,ce regime est reserve uniquement aux personnes ne pouvant pas avoir de droit Securite Social, en tant que beneficiare ou ayant - droit aupres d’un autre organisme. Je vous demande doc de bien vouloir vous presenter au RSI,afin de vous faire enregistrer sur le dossier de votre conjointe,en tant qu’ayant droit. Nous ne sommes donc plus competents pour etudier votre droit a la CMU complementaire. Vous devrez alors presenter en meme temps votre demande au RSI.

Is this meaning that my husband is also covered by RSI now even though he is not involved in the auto-entrepreneur? Or that I must send the CMU forms (which they have returned to me) to RSI?

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