Collaborating spouse and multiple SS numbers

· Viewed 347 times

Since registering as AE 8 months ago, I have been anxious about the fact nowhere does it mention about my wife being a collaborator.
Yesterday we received a letter that certifies that she has been affiliated as a collaborating spouse since November. “Certificate of affiliation”.
However along with it was a second letter:

Following the declaration of your activity as a collaborating spouse at the Single Window for Business Formalities, we are pleased to inform you that you are affiliated with Social Security for your compulsory social protection from November 8, 2022.

and it supplied a new SS number.

My problem is that we have already had our tempSS numbers which then got changed to permanent numbers and we both have our Carte Vital with our numbers. This new SS number is different.

What do you suggest we do to correct this?

Additionally, i’m still none the wiser whether i’m supposed to be paying additional SS payments for my wife. None of my monthly online declarations have any mention of it.

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