Combine a Profession Libérale and Artisanale in same activity?

· Viewed 1863 times

I have already created an activity auto-entrepreneur as an architectural designer (designer-decorateur), and am registered with URSAFF, CIPAV for retirement, and RSI for health coverage. I’d like to add being a knitwear designer, designing and fabricating and selling. I’d like to add this as a second activity, but I noticed that stylisteis an artisan that falls under RSI retirement coverage, not CIPAV, and that I have to also register with the Repertoire des Metiers, so I’m not sure how or if that works. Is it possible to have both? Would I just stay with CIPAV since I’m already there, or switch to whichever is the more predominant activity?

Also, as a clothes designer do I have to also keep official records in my accounting books of material purchases? I currently only track incoming payments for my architectural activities.

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