Company registration cancelled by Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce?

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I had submitted my application for creation of a business in France, société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle (SASU), in the end of March 2016. On 7 April, I received a letter from the Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce asking for some additional documents to be submitted and a cheque. I sent the required documents by courier on 18 April, and also received the courier’s delivery receipt confirmation of 20 April. I received a letter in the meantime on 15 April that my company is created, along with SIRET and SIREN number.

I found out that my company no longer exists when I tried last week to register to get the Kbis. On calling the Greffe, they said that they did not receive the documents required in the letter of 7 April. I told them I even have the courier receipt, but they say they did not receive it, and should start the process again to create the company.

  1. What should I do in this case, can I escalate or do something?
  2. I applied for the aide de creation d’enterprise based on my SIREN number and received an acknowledgement of acceptance by URSSAF. If I recreate my company, what happens to my aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) application?
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