Completely clueless about taxes

· Viewed 861 times

I may be asking a very stupid question however I’m very worried that I’m doing something wrong!
For background, I started freelance teaching January 2019 as an AE, however due to ill health I didn’t earn much at all and decided earlier this year to start selling my art instead. My health hasn’t been great and I’ve been living off savings, I’m yet to earn anything with this new venture.
My question comes down to tax. I declare my income (or lack thereof!) with Urssaf however I don’t know if I also need a professional account on Do I also need to create a personal account (espace particulier)? I have never received any information about either but I think I must be doing something very wrong, I don’t want to avoid taxes and I’m clueless! I’m trying to open a new bank account and need un avis d’imposition and I don’t believe I have such a thing.
Thanks in advance!

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