Completing tax forms in UK and France plus impact on Taxe d’habitation

· Viewed 1313 times

I moved to France last year at the end of September and live in France permanently with my wife.  I want to declare ourselves resident from the 1st Jan for tax purposes as it seems tidy to do so.  Or are we forced to declare ourselves resident only at the end of the 183 days in 2019 are up (as there are fewer than 183 days in 2018 that we lived here)?  This is perhaps more complicated as I set up a micro-entreprise in Feb 2018 and my wife did so in October this year.

Will we declare income to the UK for the period April 2018 to March 2019 and also to France for the year of 2018?  Do you know how the UK (or France?) tax people will pro rate the UK income and tax for any overlapping period?

I have just received the request for taxe d’habitation which is quite high.  However our income last year (ie 2019) is low and I think therefore that it would be reduced as a result.  However, we have not yet completed a French income declaration so the authorities don’t know this.  Is there any way that I can let them know so that the amount is reduced?  I also turned 60 years of age this year although my wife who lives with me is 59. I have heard that this might help too in reducing the amount.

Thanks for your help.


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