Confusion over APE/Activite principale exercee in France?

· Viewed 1443 times

I am a bit confused over about my business Activite Principle Exercee in France. In 2013 I registered as an auto-entrepreneur to be a conseil en relations publique (APE 7021Z). However, I decided to terminate my activity in May 2014 and I cancelled my registration as an auto-entrepreneur. In April 2015, I was offered some teaching work in Paris so I registered as an auto-entrepreneur again this time registering under the APE code of 8559B. This is what is stated on my Certificat d’inscription that I received from INSEE shortly afterwards.

Since then I have been making my declarations for my earnings. But the three URSSAF declarations forms addressed to me that I have received are stating my name and then conseil en relations publique. They do, however, use my correct SIRET number from my new registration. How can I correct this?

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