Conjoint collaborateur or separate businesses

· Viewed 928 times

Bonjour Valerie,

My partner (Doug) and I are in the process of registering a micro-entreprise at our CMA. It’s in Doug’s name and we completed the SPI en ligne so now we have a meeting to register but the options are confusing us.
We are going to use the downstairs of our house as a chambre d’hôte when we finish renovating in Autumn this year and Doug has a mini-pelle for doing groundworks.

Our plan was to do what was recommended by the lady at the CMA. She said to list terrassement, homme toutes mains, chambre d’hôte and espaces verts as the activities on the business in that order. She said to make me conjoint collaborateur (we are PACSed) as I’ll be doing the work for the chambre d’hôte. We also have a daughter who we will add as beneficiary.

Someone suggested that another option would be to make the chambre d’hôte a separate business in my name and not be a conjoint collaborateur on Doug’s business. Partly to take more advantage of the reduced rates available this year by not registering until the chambre d’hôte is ready to make money but also they thought it would simplify paying the taxes.

I’m struggling to work out which option is better for us financially. Do you know which one results in less cotisations/tax/insurance etc? Or how I can work it out?
Also, is the health cover and pension exactly the same as conjoint collaborateur or business owner?
Obviously option 2 has the initial payment to register a second business - is it at the same place, the CMA? Do I have to do the SPI for chambre d’hôte?

Can you think of any advantages or disadvantages of either option that we should consider?

Merci beaucoup!

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