Conjoint Collaborator in Glamping/Camping Business and WebDeveloper

· Viewed 902 times

We are going through the process of registering as Micro-Entrepreneur for a small Glamping/Camping business. This will be our main activity and income during the core season April to September. My partner who I am PACSED to is registering as the Micro-Entrepreneur with myself as a conjoint collaborator. We will be carrying out the activity together. However, I am also registered as a Micro-Entrepreneur for providing web development services, which I registered for last September in order to provide additional income outside of our main Glamping activity. I am therefore paying social charges and have a Carte Vitale and Social Security number through the web development work and registration.

I understand that I will also have to pay Social Charges as a conjoint to the Glamping activity. On the Attestation de Conjoint collaborateur I have to declare that “collaborer effectivement à l’activite de celui-ci sans etre remunere et sans exerser aucune autre activite professionnelle”. I am concerned that I have to declare that I have no other professional work.

My Questions are:

  1. What do I do in this situation with regards to completing the attestation?
  2. Is this a legal option with regards to French labour laws?
  3. Are we going about the registration of both in the best way to limit social charges?
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