Cotisation fonciere des entreprises 1447-C-K questions

· Viewed 1928 times

With regards to 1447-C-K:

Section B2

  • Number of employees. I don’t have any employees. Should I fill that out again as 1 just as in Section B1?
  • Duree d’exploration. The first two months since my debut deactivates I wasn’t up and running, so I had 0 turnover. Should I count those weeks too?

Section C

  • I work as an independent tour guide. I meet my customers on the street and show them around the city. I don’t have an office per se, I just answer emails from home. Should I simply fill this out as residence?
  • Nature du bien. Should I enter residence?
  • Total size of the building I live in?
  • 8 and 11. My apartment is very small, do I dedicate 2 m2 to professional - I sit in a chair to answer emails? Or should I just cross out number 22 and fill in the other data concerning my residence?

Section D
I registered and began activities as an auto-entrepreneur in 2013, so I am assuming I select section 5?

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