Cotisation Fonciere des Entreprises form help?
· Viewed 1809 times
What is the inscription au repetoire des metiers et de l’artisanat? There is just a oui or non box but I don’t know if I’m in the business directory or not. I registered in November 2011 with the Chambre de Metiers, would they have automatically included me?
I have been given an artisan’s APRM activity code 0162ZP by the Chambre de Metiers. On the CFE form there is only a 5 digit box for Code de l’activite de l’etablisement NACE ... do I just squeeze my 6 digit code in here? Also, being a farrier (marechal ferrant), I work from my vehicle with a mobile forge etc. What would I therefore put as my business premises? I don’t have an office as such.