Credit d’Impôt for use of Cheque Emploi Service?

· Viewed 1827 times

We have a cleaner for our three gîtes whom we pay through de Cheque Emploi Service system. The first three years we received a Credit d’Impôt for the usual 50%. Last year. for tax year 2009, this has not happened and the tax office said that we should not have received the Credit for the other years either, but they’re not re-claiming it.

I cannot find any explanation on the internet or elsewhere for us not getting the Credit anymore. The gîtes are not run as a business, but under the gîte rurale system, where a set percentage is deducted from rental turnover to arrive at taxable income. To give you the full picture, my husband and I each also have an auto-entreprise, with low-ish income, to supplement our gîtes income. They don’t necessarily know whether we use our cleaner for the gîtes or for our own house, so it can’t be that either. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I want to ask the impôt office again, but would like to be armed with more info before I do so.

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