Deadlines for declarations trimestrielle de recettes?

· Viewed 1384 times

I will file my first declaration trimestrielle on 31 January 2016. My understanding is that this should represent all of the income that I have earned since registering as an auto-entrepreneur (in August 2015.). Just today I received a new declaration trimestrielle from URSSAF (Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales) that is due on 2 February 2016. This forms says it is the fourth trimester for 2015.

  1. Should this form be used to pay tax on my earnings in January 2016?
  2. The deadline seems very tight, if it is due on 1 February 2016 and I’m not sure I understand why there is a fourth trimester for 2015? Thank you for helping to clarify what is due on 2 February 2016.
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