Declaration Commune des Revenus des Professions Independantes

Voyage of Discovery
· Viewed 1815 times

I am registered in the regime auto-entrepreneur and I was absent from France for most of 2011 and made a declaration of €0 for the first three quarters. I made a declaration for the fourth quarter for €2145 with a Montant de Cotisation of €393. I have been absent for most of this year also and have returned to find the above form. The form should have been returned by 31/05 and I am struggling to understand which part of section 1 I should complete and what figure I must include in section 2 in the boxes TA and TC?

To all intents and purposes I am retired so I have not been working when I have been absent from France and have nothing to declare in that regard. I am registered as a Professions Liberales and would be grateful for any information so that I can complete the form and get it in the post. Does anyone one know of the consequence of such a late return of this form?

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