Declaration social des independants 2014

Voyage of Discovery
· Viewed 1814 times

In March I received the attestation fiscale 2014 regime auto-entrepreneur, stating that I am in the regime Presentations BNC, the montant des recettes and cases 5HQ, 5IQ et 5JQ. I think that I am obliged to make the declaration on

Firstly if they already have this information why do I have to declare it again? If I do have to make a declaration I presume that I must put the figure indicated in attestation fiscale in boxes XE and XF? I cannot make the declaration on the website because they changed the last 2 digits of my SIRET and back dated in to January 2013 (because I moved from south west France to Paris) but on net-entreprises it will not accept the new number and states that I don’t exist.

I sent them an enquiry several weeks ago through the website but to date they have not responded. What should I do? Fill in the paper form and send it to them?

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